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Complete remodeling of your existing space (which can include moving walls), including layout creation; design concept; showroom visits; all new material & fixture sourcing and selection; order placement and management; and coordination with contractors and vendors.
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Targeted renovation of your existing space, including minor layout alterations; some showroom visits; some material & fixture sourcing and selection (i.e. cabinet repainting, new countertops, backsplash, and plumbing fixtures); order placement and management; and coordination with contractors and vendors.
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Complete design, including interior layout creation & floor plans by room, design concepts; showroom visits; all interior & exterior material, fixture, and furnishing selections; order placement and management; and coordination with your builder and all vendors to create a customized, turn-key home.
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Best for homeowners who want to do sourcing and purchasing themselves, but seek expert guidance and a vote of confidence for choosing specific items for single rooms or levels of a home. Floor plans, design concepts, and product parameter suggestions are provided, as needed, with order placement and management, as needed.
get started
You might not know where to start, but we do! We have an organized, detailed, and well-practiced process to guide you through all the necessary steps, including referrals to trusted trade partners and skilled craftspeople.
She made suggestions to save me time, effort, and money and help with choosing the right colors, correct layout, and product buying tips. I am very happy with her work, and I highly recommend her!"
It depends on the size and complexity, but generally involves working together for a number
of months. Ethos understands clients' eagerness to get the work done, but also focuses on quality and attention to detail.
Costs vary depending on the scope of the project. This is determined through the estimate
Ethos produces after the initial consultation in which a high-to-low range of design hours is
provided. All work then is billed at an hourly rate.